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The seed in the earth needs to be life, to guarantee lives in the future.

BNDES Garage  

impact business

BNDES Garagem is a BNDES initiative whose mission is to develop and foster entrepreneurship in Brazil by supporting entrepreneurs and startups.

The program is now in its second year, maintaining its focus on boosting impactful businesses that want to contribute to solving social or environmental challenges.

The program's acceleration methodology relies on the partnership of three reference organizations in the entrepreneurship ecosystem: Artemisia, Wayra and Liga Ventures.

The program, 100% free, supports entrepreneurs and their impact businesses in two stages: Creation, for those who are developing an impact business and want support to take their first steps, and Traction, for those who already have an impact business and wants support to grow.

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Mareilde's parents landed in Rondônia in the 1970s with only small suitcases in hand and began their family saga there. After many years of fighting "against the imposing forest", the family matriarch, seeing the damage to everyone, understood that she was not against, but in harmony with the forest and passed this vision on to her daughters, showing the potential of the oil palm trees that still lasted on the property. Her daughter Mareilde with her sisters understood her mother's message e  created an association of women  extractivists, who harvest buriti and babassu fruits for oil extraction for the production of artisanal cosmetics from the Amazon Bioeconomy.

With all that decades-long conflict, man versus nature, left sequels on the land as the main river of the property that is “drying up”, putting at risk both the production of cosmetics and the use of the property in general. The ills caused by degradation bring direct and indirect socio-environmental and economic damage to the local community, directly impacting more than 30 families. 

Upon becoming aware of this situation, we accepted the challenge of starting Mareilde's dream, of restoring the entire river that cuts through the property. This river, which in his childhood served his family so much for water supply, as in his leisure time where he competed with his brothers to see who could swim across the river, today practically without riparian forest and silted up with just a “thickness of water”. ”. We are going to start this beautiful forest restoration project at the front of the property, planting mainly Buritis, Chestnut trees, Jequitibás, Açaí, Angico among others, as the farmer wishes, who already dreams of the future fruits she will harvest, not to mention a good bath of river.

Goal: Forest restoration of riparian forest

Area Size: 1.2 hectares = 12,000 m²

Total planting: 2500 trees

Contracted Planting: 350 trees

folhas arvores plante amazonia meu pe de árvore


From Monday to Saturday

From 9am to 6pm

Payment methods


Shipping time

Certificates are sent after 12 months.


+55 (69) 98113-2130

296, Abunã Street, Porto Velho/RO

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